Now, that I am first time blogger...well not exactly because i deleted my previous blog because..I myself hated it and it didnt qualify for a blog in the first place...and secondly I think I didnt want anyone to read what I wrote in it.....Now.... Now...Now.. rather than trying to conjure what possibly could have been there in my deleted blog i guess it would be better if dear reader you please concentrate on the present entry so that I can know whether it is good enough or not...
First glance at this blog and you would guess easily without any hints that its a girl author penning it down..I still don't really know why i chose this cute rosy pink template for my blog. I did'nt choose black because I don't want to pen down my beautiful life experiences in the shadows of dark( how profound was that...). And no that total ujala white doesn't go down too well with me....and besides i didn't wan tit to look like a memo of peace on a white piece of paper from Osamaji to our PM (manmohan ji or soniya ji ..cant really say who is it...and besides if I tell you everything where from will you get your daily brain twisters to reflex your brain muscles)
Though, I have been always ridiculed for my bent towards pink..I still dont believe that out of the 20 jumpers and sweat shirts I bought for myself from varied sales majority are a variation of the shade of pink also my shoes and my towels and bedsheets.....(Normally i dont get to buy 20 jumpers at a time but going abroad for your studies on a scholarship comes with its own perks...trust me).....Lately my mausi pointed it out to me that I had purchased nothing but Pink in majority...just like the Behenji's majority votes in Uttar Pradesh general elections.(stop re-reading the behenji part..now don't tell me that you are not aware who behenji is ?...well then she is our revered CM..Ms. Mayawati) ...and the other day my little cousin and my dear friend again pointed out to me quite painfully that I have but too many of those pink T-shirts in my collection....now all I am short of is a pink trousers...like the one which Govinda or maybe Salman wore or maybe both wear (Now I know for sure that you know who they are..pathetic G.K. yaar...) and my dad and mom sneer at me everytime I gape at a pink chevrolet going down the road and my eyes chase it till it disappears from sight...and recently they have even violently opposed my proposition of buying one of these cute cars.... I still cant forget how they opposed my innocent proposal like some act supporting dowry in Lok Sabha.... Strange are the ways of parents at times....
Coming back to my template color...I am still not sure whether to go ahead with the same color or to change it..
I have never quite understood why people call pink color as so feminine..but still I feel proud of the middle aged uncles whose wife's dominance in household matters forced them to buy the pink chevrolet which they were forced to drive in open public view as if they were being punished for sleeping late on sundays ...by their respective wives..or maybe denying them their credit card for shopping.....nevertheless i feel sorry for all you uncles at the same time who are trying to sink down into their driving seats so that their neighbor wouldn't see them or maybe their neighbor's wife...you can never be so sure.... not to forget those desperate brothers who have to go out on a date and they have no conveyance of their own..and have to barely manage with their sis's pink scooty which could be due to two reasons...
1. their sisters scored a higher percentage in their exams and mummy daddy just couldn't refuse her that cute pink two wheeler...
2. they are the typical mumma's boy who just couldn't muster enough courage to ask for a bike of their own and had to use their mummy's pink scooty in return of all the goodness...
I am sure they must be cursing the manufacturers...for the color pink of a scooty...
and poor domestic helps who are anyways tortured to run errands on their chhoti memsaab's pink ladybird with a sweet basket in the front... well sorry guys you have no other option than that...
But come what may my sympathies go out with all these above mentioned people and talking of actual sympathies then I have a confession to make...
I want to tell you that till date I considered myself as quite a good speller and a GRE qualifier at that too..and others even regard me highly for that ..specially my colony children who think that their NEW favorite didi is going to get them chocolates all the way from Amrikaa..well children are so innocent....but the amount of red jagged lines I see on this page under the words really puts my GRE score report to shame...Had it not been for the automatic spelling checker then maybe even I would not have been able to understand what I wrote when I logged in tomorrow night...I feel so bad about it...but one has to admit her faults and that is from where modesty begins and if you are trying to go up again and re read the trash to catch my spelling mistakes then lemme tell you that its a waste of time because I have already rectified my spelling mistakes with the help of the prompt spellings that this writing software gives me in the popping window....hehehe...so read further if you have survived the severe blow of my drowsy blog till this point...
I wonder how much could I write about my cutie shweetie Pink...I wonder if I should become the official ambassador of pink color for India where this color is highly underrated and under respected except by our Behenji who's favorite color is pink and believe it or not her bday bash had everything done in pink ..from her expensive pink gemstone necklace, to her suit , to her footwear and to her cake and all the confetti and streamers...and also the cutlery was bought in pink...but her cabinet officials did feel the blues after seeing the bills of her bday later... ..(hmm..well I am not too sure whether under respected is any legally approved word in oxford dictionary )..waise come to think of it who says that under respected cant be a word who approves or disapproves all this..even if i translate hindi directly into english and say slowly-slowly instead of dheere dheere..then who can question me for it.... tell me...
But apart from all this please forgive all my apostrophes and spellings and wrong grammar...and the hopeless ones for which even this auto error detect software could not fine a replacement.....I will try to improve on it but till then please be patient with my English or maybe Hinglish or maybe no english at all...
god bless the girl/guy who made this software with auto spell detect...
When I am already on to it then i really gotta think about this title of my blog..My life through my eyes...if you give it a thought..I just wanted to stick to the word life because you believe it or not the sole usage of this four letter word gives any article a lot of weight and gravity and a feeling of profundity ..even though your blog may not use this word in the very first blog written under it.....but thinking of the title as I could not think what else could be written and Life was too short just in itself and more importantly the blogsite would just not leave this word in the available slots...(everyone before me has gotten away with the easiest title..hmmphhh...) so I thought why not see 'through my eyes' primarily because no one else is interested in looking at or into my life at all and why should anyone be..my life is not some distant hidden planet revolving space which is madly looked for by every precious white haired scientist at NASA...but to tell you the truth the title is making lesser and lesser sense to me with every passing moment...even a Kindergarten student can suggest me a better name..but I dont have any cousins or neighbors from KG who could help me out so I have to go with this for the time being...if you have any better ideas then they are more than welcome....
Hey a nice insight!
U have very nicely depicted the small town India,
the girl who outscores her brother and gets a pink scooty and the kids in the colony who wait for chocolates from the US.I have seen it all.And an important lesson for the guys!!
Before proposing ur lady for marriage, make a pact.The choice of car colour is always gonna be the men's.Cant even have a nightmare abt driving a pink car,heheheheheheheh.hey awesome writing.keep writing!!!!
This blogger will go places. Inspite of the fact tht the Blog was too lengthy with sm Beating Around the Bush, there were parts tht made me laugh (considering, it's difficult for me to even manage a smile for works of celebrated authors, so a laugh means the stuff is really FUNNY!!!)
[PS: rest continued.... watch this space]
hey, this was also nice,funny as ur talks r always but the pink part was a bit tooo.....long.
kya baat hai i m sure u must have bribed these people to be victim to ur writing............and this is wat i call height of frustation..........wen no one hears u out u scream it on net.............bingo way to go.............well jokes apart in few words IT JUST ROCKS AND IT DOES SO COZ ITS UR BLOG. so BABY keep rocking and keep writing...............
(but do let me know how many times did u buzz those guys to read ur blog like me)
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