Monday, March 30, 2009

My take on Blah Blah Blah...

O Man! I again and again say this..that I am not a cook and not in any sense will ever be...I actually don't believe I started this post with the phrase 'O Man'..I mean it doesn't really mean that only Men can read it. If you are a girl by any chance and have started reading it this stupid meaningless and nonsensical post then go ahead because in either case this post doesn't make any sense. I think that I am slowly coming under the influence of the phrase O man!, hey Man!, hey dude!, holy cow, o boy! etc etc etc...well i used to use them before too but the frequency has just tripled or maybe quadrapled up since past some 7 months...I am afraid that when I go back to India this time, I am going to shock my padosi waale uncle by greeting him with..'Hey Old man wassup?' it is not funny at all but i still kinda want to see my Mom's Indian moms have a great tendency of tokofying you in front of everyone and anyone...even if you grow up to be doesn't imply that I am 40, but at the rate things are going, I dont think my mom is ever gonna change her habit anytime sooner and as Sally of 'When Harry met sally' fame said, someday I am gonna be 40, it is out there sitting for me'...anyways so the point here is that I was video chatting with one of my sister in law and she is pretty much my age so I didn't see a point of saying 'namaste' and all, so I said, hey bhabhi! how are you...and my mum who was also there, and I didn't realize, immediately said...'namaste nai hoti hai bhabhi se?' and even though I was on a video chat I felt like a 5 year old again and went pink...what a starting to a nice relationship with my sister in other words, 'mummy ne dho daala', and for those who dont know what this phrase means, then please I would rather suggest that you go back to basics and check out the typical Mumbaiyaa type of language....bcoz i picked it from somewhere i dont really remember. well I am prety sure if my sis read this post, her first comment would be, "your language is going to gutters"
I mean even my mum comes online these days and says 'hey..sup? everything cool?'
initially i was shocked but now i m getting used to it bcoz she picked this language from us smart mom.isnt she? i coiuldnt be prouder ...
By the way I have some amazing theroies abound from some of my family members...some are just in the hypothesis stage but someday they will be published stories no doubt about that...
well sample this, once my sis had a aweful tooth ache right in the middle of night and she had pain killers and no clove oil of she had to bear it anyways...but right that moment a brilliant idea stuck her..which could have even embarassed and shocked Newton out of his wits, trust she thought that if she supplied something to eat for the bacteria hammering and pounding and eventually infesting on her tooth, then she might be able to distract the pathogen and it might leave her tooth alone and rather infest on something better and soft and some fresh food so she ate some cookies and bingo! it worked...I am not kidding did work...even the pathogen is confused how it fell for the trap...

sample theory 2: Well like every wife my mum still at times.... (read most of the times) complains about my dad's habits..which she hates but hasnt given up on complaining till date...amazing patience...i have to admit...anyways so whenever my mum opens her complaint register, my dad suddenly loses his power of hearing and then he gave me an idea..why doesnt anyone create a filter for the ears, so that the unwanted things do no enter the ears and then the brain and should be filtered out, in that case we would be saving ourselves so much of brain, and stress and energy required to process that useless info. not a bad idea...are any engineers listening...well in that case, I am an engineer too did I tell you guys...but now I am going to be amazing combo and I love proteins so maybe i could screw up the proteins in the brains (read enzymes, and those out of field read blank bcoz anyways u wont get it, no offence) so we could actually filter some useless info...
anyways as I havent invented anything of that sort till date so you could do a better job by skipping this useless post and save your energy if you have any by the end of this post and also some of your brain, if you have all..that was so rude....i know...but still no offence :)

P.S. I guess the number of mispelled words actually went down with this post, but my friends who think they are still bad, i think I am going to write posts and make it available to public for further editing, bcoz i have a very bad habit of not reading my posts once I am done..same as I used to do with my essays till 12th grade, they were so long anyways that forget my poor teachers, I would also not dare to re read the manuscript once done...but I think I make such mistakes due to typing, otherwise my spellings arent that bad....I know I have a come a long way from grade 1 where I used to spell no one as 'noone' and put puctuation marks like commaand full stops in the begining of the fresh line if there was no space in the above one.
something like...
I am citizen of India
, which is a great country..blah blah blah..
now you must be wondering how can anyone do that, but trust me I did it when I was a kid and ask my sis she will ratify it immediately in blood (read ketchup) bcoz she was so embarassed when my teacher pointed it out to her..."N I dont believe she is your sister, i mean look at your english(read top grades) and look at hers (read not bottom but buried grades, somewhere underground..) is unbelievable...My sis also threatened to disown me infront of whole school if i didnt improve...Anyways blogs arent the exact place to practice your grammar, they are for whatever BSing you want to do....and it sabout random thoughts..i fele if I start editing my posts then I would be bored to death reading them and they would sound so formal and all...but still I should try to be a little careful with what I post online....even if I am the only one reading it. Ten years down the lane my kids would find it somehow and then they would point it out to me and their friends.. "see my mommy sucked in her spellings, how can she ask us to spell 'indivisual' as 'individual'?
How insightful and foresightful...well the second one(foresightful) is not a word...let me tell you before you start doubting your own vocab skills, but it kinda sounds right to before that day comes actually I should get better with my typing errors...and form my next post I will...why the hell this google blog doesnt have a auto spell correct me to think of it...
anyways..the point is that ignore my spellings if you can, unlike my first grade English teacher and I would be more than happy... :) (See i am already beaming... )

Sunday, March 22, 2009

Observations...I guess that goes well..not really sure..

I hate to give my posts specific titles..not because I don't know what I am writing, but because, I write about such a variety of stuff in just one post and digress like I don't really know that by the end what my post should be actually this..maybe you'd know...
So I would again say what I haven't said before. NYC is an amazing place. Definitely the most happening in its own way and it stands out..not just because of the tall sky scrapers and the buildings which are so tall that even if your walking at the slowest of speeds you wont really get to the topmost storey of it, as you would be shoved around by the crowd of people walking around, hurrying to reach their destinations. I never quite understand where everyone is hurrying to? is the world coming to an end? is everyone there so short of time, to put it frankly, i at times feel embarrassed for wandering and at worse loitering there in the streets with freinds for no reason, except for kiling time...or more aptly for looking for some nice place to eat. Nevertheless, I love the place, more for the reason, that I see so much of diversity there. I walk the streets and I keep out on looking for the different people, walking around me. so similar but yet so different. I have somehow always admitted to the fact that God is the most creative person present, though we barely know what he looks like.
For once picture this, everyone has the facial features right in the same places, or same locus on the faces but yet we all look so different. I mean we all have a forehead followed by eyes, cheekbones, nose, chin, but we all still look so unique and different. I have a weird habit of wathcin people, as they move around me. By observing them I keep thinking, where they come from, where they might be going? whose the person walking next to them? are they happy? do their eyes look sad? are they a victim of vanity, are they rich or just making ends meet? kids, old people, lovers...every face has a story for me...every set of eyes says something to me...or atleast i feel that way. I look at the people in fine woollens, all laughing holding huge macy's bags and carrying the most prized collection of bags...and then I saw this man, lying in the corner of the same sidewalk, all cold, and maybe asleep or maybe one one cared....the paradox shocks me and pains your heart too. maybe he has problems that he cant deal with..maybe someone is waiting for him at home....who can really say...i cant't even i look at him, feel bad and then get lost in my world or maybe the next couple I see there holding hands, looking happy...or maybe the old couple that looked so happy and contended...the way you look when you hear your son/daughter is coming back home after a long time....their faces radiant with the glow that radiates from their heart...the paradox shocks me..I at times can feel the emotions...drifting in the air...sometimes caught by a hand that cares and a heart that loves, but most times jst flowing by uncared...
I see the guy walking in an armani suit, with the most expensive of phones and way too busy to look around either to appreciate the beauty or to spare a thought for the pain and suffering, right after him I see the old hag, scurrying to her home, with the worried eyes, thinking about herself and people like her...trying to make ends meet.....I see the business guy...late for some important meeting and then a school girl...heading to her home..holding tightly her little brother.s hand..not to lose him in the crowd...everyone is busy...too busy to look, too busy to care....too busy to spare a thought....a mother with her son...people standing dressed up as artists and statue of liberty in that chilly smile with earn up some good money to buy their sons and daughters a nice warm scarf or coat....and the guy selling the sausages in that brutal cold....they are like these flowers...which are standing tall in the bright and always alive Times square, but even though they got lucky enough to stay there forever, they are not even looked one cares about them, they all ignore thme to see the bright and lit up Times square...a life wasted....and worst the pollution from carbs and expensive mercs killing them slowly...with the tall buildings around condescendingly telling them each worthless their lives are and how uncared their beauty is...
Once my friend had told me that she hated to see off people or pick them up from stations and airports...i never fully understood a person, I love to sit there and feel the hustle bustle around me..both the places...are so full of emotions and feelings that you can actually feel them in the air around you...when people leave..the sadness, when people meet..their happiness..the joy of hugging your loved see them come back safe and sound...little kids..playing oblivious of anyone departing or coming in...but busy with their own care a is so a barrel overflowing with emotions...a mesh..of feelings....feel it sometime...try to look at the eyes of read their relate to their lives, even if just for few is an out of the world feeling...incomparable to anything....everyone has the capability to feel their own heart..but try to read someone eyes whom you just dont know at all..if u have the will know what I am trying to say...but in the meantime...I will continue with my life....happy obeserving... :)