life has been so damn hectic ever since i realized what Phd and its commitment was all about..abhi se ye haal hai mera when i havent even begun my research..n bhaiyya itna asaan nai hai..u still have to clear the phd qualifier and prove that you are worthy of even touching the cuvettes and micropippetes in their labs...so i m still looking forward to it...
i mean it is saturday tonight and i know that i wait for fridays here..man i deserve them more than the anyone in the whole world.....i swear that..well i dont know of others but my countdown starts right from my monday morning alarm and i am thinking of waht to do this friday.....imagine....and i feel like it is my birth day when finally friday arrives...that is the only day when i really relax....and have fun....and live my life...whih i have forgotton totally during the busy week....i love fridays....i mena they even have a restaurant here 'T.G.I.F' i.e. thank god its friday.....i eman why cant we just have friday saturday and sundays...do we really need the middle days....i dotn think so....anyways by the way ever since columbus discovered america I have made the next big discovery of my life here...and that is I am a great cook..though I know my mom and sister have a hard time taking this fact into their brains and I am even sure that if they saw me cooking here my mom would probably faint and my sister wudnt believe her eyes....I mean I not only cook but i cook really well and that is not all i mean I am not the only one to say that...I have a fan club for my cooing to..who can testify for this anytime.... so I cook here ...bulk food on sundays and then ahve the same thing whole damn week....our fridge in the apartment has been begging us to be let off for a while so it can heave a igh of relief...and the only thing that our freezer asks for every time you open it is a safety belt kind of thing to strap everything into it or maybe a helmet for ourselves..I mean its not new for me...my cupboard back home has been like this for years now and every time you take the risk of opening it more than two things wud fall on you to welcome you....maybe more than two...so dont complain later that i dint warn you about this..anyways i m sure no one in theis entire world is anytime interested in opening my cupboard...but this freezer..we four people are very much interested in opening it...to retrieve our daily food...that is freezing in there...i have plenty of frozen paranthas in there...as the only toughest part of indian cuisine that i ahvent mastered is the chapati...man why the hell it has to be so complicated ....my problem starts right form the dough making step and it ends with the papad kind of stuff in place of chapatis....
I just pray that our freezer might not be dead by the time we get home tomorrow..which has a high probability...as our microwave sighed his last two days back....god knows what was his problem though....i mena it should have learnt a thing ortwo frm our dear super stuffed freezer..i wish they made freezers of some elastic material that can infinitely stretch..and even more in a place like US where poeple have nearly forgotton about fresh food ....and the kids only know that the frozen food to be the only kind of food present in the world..
but the best part about this america is that we get indian foodstuff though it is 10 times more expensive..indian hi indian ko loot raha hai bhai....u say that...behind every robbed indina here is another indian.....but anyways we get it....so im surviving on that...and haan as i write i also remember that it has been full one month since i landed here...time flies..and moreso when you are studying or trying to study as in my case....i dont feel like it has been one month here..far away form my land and family and everyone....so my this blog is dedicated in the honour of this day when i celebrate my coming here and surviving it for one month...
everything here is quite cool except the fact that i am supposed to meet up with my study group tomorrow and when they actualyl said to come prepared to discuss first 2 lectures of Prof. I was full of zeal then and insisted on doing the first three in place of two..it was friday my frend and i was in high spirits....so now to tell you the fact i ahvent even started with my second lecture and it is already 8 p.m. abhi izzat ka sawaal hai toh i dont even want to call them and beg myself off from it...now i have to do it...well i ahve also turned into an insomaniac and the credit for that goes to the strong coffee here...I am fresh whole night ...even when i felel like calling it a day..i dont get any sleep....but i have sworn on the 30 day celebration of America coming that I am going to reduce the intake of coffee from now on and try and concentrate without it....
and i guess i should be headed back to my lecture no. 2...i have to prepare it for tomorrow....now i dont know when to study here..as it was sunday half of my time goes into maintaining my active social life and the rest into maintaining my active cooking life if i want to survive on edible vegetarian food for the rest of the week...where is the time to study....
rest is good..except that i need to maintain an active student life here too and i am headed into doing that right now....so wish me luck....
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